Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 9

Company: Dubai Chamber
Department: Human Resources
Company Supervisor: Asma Abdulla

I started my day by checking my email.
Then I went to the meeting room with my notes as Mrs. Maha told me to attend the HR department meeting. Before the meeting starts Ms. Azaa (the HR director) said: “Hamdah your are now part of the team not just a trainee so do your best”. I was happy to hear this comment from the director which really inspired me to work. In addition, during the meeting each member gave us their tasks updates, issues and their accomplishments. However, Ms. Asma and Mr. Majed didn’t attend the meeting since they had another meeting outside. During the meeting the director asked the attendees about the progress of Ms. Asma’s task they didn’t answer her because they don’t know where she has reached in her progress. To be honest I was shocked because they have to be a team knowing the status of each member in order to succeed. Prior to the end of the meeting Ms. Azaa asked me if I have any recommendations, I told her it would add a value to the team if each employee makes a use of the outlook calendar. Since it will allow more facilitation among employees allowing them to know the status and general schedule of their colleagues. Furthermore, she requested me to do a presentation in my last day of the work placement about my experience and learning.

Tasks that I done today are:

Creating various Excel Sheets, which has enhanced my skills in it. Besides, I increased my knowledge about Microsoft Office Excel 2007.
Scanning. Today I had a huge load of folders to scan!! I started hating this task as the other employees in my department. In fact, I have to scan all the papers in order to enter in the HR system because the manager wants everything to be electronically. Truly, it is uninteresting task.
Calling to either delay or cancel Ms. Asma's meetings to 3:00 pm according to her phone conversation with me this morning. Since she was trapped in the traffic and had no clue of how long it may take.

The time went very quickly today because I was so busy the whole day without break. Giving me the feeling of self satisfaction since I contributed towards my team’s objectives.

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